Constantius, surnamed Chlorus was the son of Eutropius and Claudia, daughter of Crispus. He was one of the two Caesars appointed by Maximian and Diocletian in 292, and received the government of Britain, Gaul, and Spain with Treviri as his residence. He married Theodora. He died in July, 306 at York, in Britain, on an expedition against Picts.
Ae Antoninianus - Constantius Ist ( 293 to 305 ) - Lugdunum
RIC Vb 631 Bust Type C, Cohen 210 - 3,6 grams - 23 mm - C
Obverse: CONSTANTIVS NOB C, Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right.
Reverse: ORIENS AVGG, Sol standing left, right hand raised, left holding whip. Mintmark: B.
Coin value: 141 USD (2011)
photo: ©Heidelberger Munzhandlung Herbert Grun e.K. Buy Constantius Ist coinsAe Antoninianus - Constantius Ist ( 293 to 305 ) - Lugdunum
RIC Vb 635 Bust Type C, Cohen 237 - 3,6 grams - 23 mm - C
Obverse: FL VAL CONSTANTIVS NOB C, Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right.
Reverse: PROVIDENT DEOR, Providentia standing left, holding baton and sceptre; at foot, globe. Mintmark: A.
Coin value: 163 USD (2012)
photo: ©Munzen & Medaillen GmbH Buy Constantius Ist coinsAe Antoninianus - Constantius Ist ( 293 to 305 ) - Lugdunum
RIC Vb 636 Bust Type C, Cohen 238 - 3,5 grams - 23 mm - C
Obverse: FL VAL CONSTANTIVS NOB C, Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right.
Reverse: PROVIDENT DEOR, Providentia seated left, holding wand over globe and sceptre. Mintmark: II.
Coin value: 79 USD (2013)
photo: ©Gitbud & Naumann Buy Constantius Ist coinsAe Antoninianus - Constantius Ist ( 293 to 305 ) - Lugdunum
RIC Vb 648 Bust Type H, Cohen 303 - 4,3 grams - 23 mm - C
Obverse: CONSTANTIVS NOB C, Radiate bust left, wearing imperial mantle and holding eagle-tipped sceptre.
Reverse: VIRTVS AVGG, Captive seated on either side of trophy; B.
Coin value: 250 USD (2001)
photo: ©CNG Buy Constantius Ist coinsAe Antoninianus - Constantius Ist ( 295 ) - Trier
RIC Vb 654 Bust Type C, Cohen 216 - 3,8 grams - 23 mm - S
Obverse: CONSTANTIVS NOB C, Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right.
Reverse: PIETAS AVGG, Prince standing right, holding spear and raising kneeling turreted woman who holds cornucopiae.
Coin value: 153 USD (2001)
photo: ©Fritz Rudolf Künker GmbH & Co. KG Buy Constantius Ist coinsAe Antoninianus - Constantius Ist ( 295 ) - Rome
RIC Vb 659 Bust Type C, Cohen 221 - 2,8 grams - 23 mm - C
Obverse: FL VAL CONSTANTIVS NOB C, Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right.
Reverse: PRINCIPI IVVENT, Constantius in military attire, chlamys over left shoulder, standing right, holding transverse spear in his right hand, globe on his extended left hand; A / XXIA.
Coin value: 200 USD (2011)
photo: ©The New York Sale Buy Constantius Ist coinsAe Antoninianus - Constantius Ist ( 295 ) - Ticinum
RIC Vb 670 Bust Type C, Cohen 299 - 3,6 grams - 23 mm - R
Obverse: FL VAL CONSTANTIVS NOB C, Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right.
Reverse: VIRTVS AVGG, Hercules standing right, holding club, in the Garden of Hisperides with the dragon Ladon to right entwined around the golden-apple tree, XXIT in exergue.
Coin value: 660 USD (2005)
photo: ©Numismatik Lanz Munchen Buy Constantius Ist coinsAe Antoninianus - Constantius Ist ( 295 ) - Siscia
RIC Vb 671 Bust Type C, Cohen 218 - 3,2 grams - 22 mm - R2
Obverse: FL VAL CONSTANTIVS NOB C, Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right.
Reverse: PRAESIDIA REIPVBLIC, Constantius and Galerius standing facing one another, with one receiving Victory on globe from the other, and each holding scepter; between, bound captive seated right; XXIA.
Coin value: 460 USD (2010)
photo: ©CNG Buy Constantius Ist coinsAe Antoninianus - Constantius Ist ( 295 ) - Antioch
RIC Vb 673 Bust Type C, Cohen 164 - 3,3 grams - 23 mm - S
Obverse: FL VAL CONSTANTIVS NOB CAES, Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right.
Reverse: IOVI ET HERCVLI CONS CAES, Jupiter standing right with long sceptre and globe, facing Hercules standing left, holding Victory, club and lion's skin; S/XXI.
Coin value: 101 USD (2013)
photo: ©Auktionshaus H. D. Rauch GmbH Buy Constantius Ist coinsAe Antoninianus - Constantius Ist ( 295 ) - Antioch
RIC Vb 674 Bust Type C, Cohen 163 - 3,2 grams - 23 mm - S
Obverse: FL VAL CONSTANTIVS NOB C, Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right.
Reverse: IOVI ET HERCVLI CONS CAES, Jupiter standing right with long sceptre and globe, facing Hercules standing left, holding Victory, club and lion's skin; A/XXI.
Coin value: 124 USD (2004)
photo: ©Gorny & Mosch Giessener Munzhandlung Buy Constantius Ist coins