Constantius, surnamed Chlorus was the son of Eutropius and Claudia, daughter of Crispus. He was one of the two Caesars appointed by Maximian and Diocletian in 292, and received the government of Britain, Gaul, and Spain with Treviri as his residence. He married Theodora. He died in July, 306 at York, in Britain, on an expedition against Picts.

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Ae Antoninianus - Constantius Ist ( 293 to 305 ) - Lugdunum

Ae Antoninianus - Constantius Ist ( 293 to 305 ) - Lugdunum

Ae Antoninianus - Constantius Ist ( 293 to 305 ) - Lugdunum

Ae Antoninianus - Constantius Ist ( 293 to 305 ) - Lugdunum

Ae Antoninianus - Constantius Ist ( 295 ) - Trier

Ae Antoninianus - Constantius Ist ( 295 ) - Rome

Ae Antoninianus - Constantius Ist ( 295 ) - Ticinum

Ae Antoninianus - Constantius Ist ( 295 ) - Siscia

Ae Antoninianus - Constantius Ist ( 295 ) - Antioch

Ae Antoninianus - Constantius Ist ( 295 ) - Antioch